Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Passover "Yellow Stuff"

I am a fond believer that the Jews had a strong hand in creating heart-disease. No, I don't mean this in some sort of anti-Zionist plot to shove blame onto the Jewish people. I believe this because I have now seen and heard the ways that the bubbies used to prepare food for the zaydies and the kids! More chicken fat goes into these recipes than I care to truly admit. However, when butter or lard is off limits, these bubbies wanted to make sure the flavor was still there. There was no "dieting" in this house! The best way to insure taste was, indeed, schmaltz! Or, as we would call it in English, rendered chicken fat! Any Ashkenazi Jew who wasn't born yesterday knows about schmaltz.

The recipe for the "Yellow Stuff", as my Bay City relatives so fondly call it, is a glorified recipe for egg salad. This was a favorite amongst my grandparents, but it was also a favorite of my great grandfather Papa Joe.  They would spread it on top of matzah. I was happy to find out that several of my relatives continue to make their own version of the "Yellow Stuff" for their families today! This is the version that will translate best into a "heart healthy" America of today:
* 4 Hard Boiled Eggs
* 1/2 sweet onion- diced very fine

You will need 1 wooden Bowl and 1 chopper. Chop the two together until it holds together on a piece of Matzah. After Passover, enjoy it on a piece of Rye Bread like my Papa Joe liked it. Add salt for taste.

Now, I realize that recipe seems simple. That is because my cousin Mirl gave me the recipe from 2012. Let's rewind back in time to Bay City in the 50s. The recipe looked more like this:

* 4 Hard Boiled Eggs
* 1/2 Sweet Onion- diced very fine
* 2 tablespoons chicken shmaltz
* A few pieces of crumbled gribeness (chicken skin that has been fried and fried in the process of obtaining the schmaltz)
* Small cut up pieces of chicken liver

Once all of the ingredients are blended together, the egg salad will properly spread  on top of a piece of matzah.

It's up to you to decide how you wold prefer to make your "Yellow Stuff" today. Just remember, although the ingredients may sound scary or foreign to you, doesn't mean they aren't tasty!

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